IT is all about trust

Professionals like you immediately notice the difference choosing H2 Agency

The key to success is in your hands
- We'll help you achieve it

With over 20 years of experience in the sports market, H2 AGENCY has the experience to make sure all of your wishes are looked after. 
We believe that remarkable football achievements are possible through subtle advances in agency and innovative strategies

The success story of Karsdorp

Rick was the very first player to sign with H2 agency. His personality matches our philosophy and he will always be at the core of the H2-Agency DNA, as the result of our powerful collaboration. The path we take together is successful and based on mutual trust, openness and transparency.

What we can do for you

Thanks to many years of experience in the world of football, H2 Agency has a strong and up-to-date network of clubs, sporting directors, friendly agents and legal connections all over the world.

Endless possibilities

your needs are our priority